
How Do I Create Or Join A Team?

To create a teamyou must first register the team name on this form.

Type the name of the desired team. The name can contain up to 35 characters. If you will write longer name it will not appear at the start and results list.

Then choose between two options - team from 4 to 14 membersor 15 or more members. Accordingly, the group discount will be calculated.

Write your PIN and confirm your email.

Once registered team name you can proceed to the actual registration of yourself, or team members via standard registration form located at each race.

You do not have to register all members at a time, but it is more convenient because you can be sure that you will all run the same timeif you so choose.

New members of the team may join so that captain will tell them the name of the team and PIN and they have to use these data during their registration.

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